Opportunity Day

The talent factory

We invest in human capital for inclusive, smart and sustainable growth. We have done this by involving over 1800 young people and 500 companies in 3 years. How? Promoting new educational opportunities, fostering ideas and collaborations, with job placements and innovation projects.

The Veneto Region believes strongly in the initiative and commissioned Infinite Area to co-design and implement 20 Opportunity Days with the aim of developing the soft skills of young people and 10 AperiFocuses dedicated to businesses and stakeholders in the area.

The aim is to facilitate the meeting between companies and young people seeking training and vocational paths through moments of job supply and demand matching.

Below details of all appointments.


Format for young talent

#bootcamp #discoverycamp #talentfactory #evolutioncamp

The days synergistically involve young people, company referrers and training professionals with various formats: outdoor practical tests, business theater, immersive experiences with new technologies, group work on specific challenges with idea generation, service design, prototyping, pitch preparation, discussion with companies and award ceremonies.

TALENT – Are you a teacher and want to give your students a unique experience?
Contact us to discuss the program and the various days. With your help, we will reserve places for youth at your institution and make the best arrangements for the experience.

RECRUITER – Are you a business, employment agency, job center?
Your companies can present vision, values and skill profiles required by your projects, and then interact with test participants on the proposed challenges.

TUTOR – Are you a tutor for post-diploma/graduate orientation?
Arrange for your college/university to participate in introducing young students/graduates/graduates to companies in the area.

Boot Camp

Talent Factory

  • 06.01.18 Montebelluna
  • 12-13.07.18 Treviso
  • 13-14.09.18 Jesolo
  • 10/17/18/18 Paderno del Grappa

Discovery Camp

Evolution Camp

Networking for businesses

Evening meetings in which to watch experts speak on innovative applications and engage with industry players to bring out the challenges and needs of businesses in terms of innovation and skills.

Calendar of AperiFocus:

Each evening has a declined focus on a specific sector, with experiences in technological innovation, strategic and organizational improvement and growth.

It is attended by contact persons from:

  • Innovative networks, technology clusters, districts, industry federations to disseminate innovative trends and project results
  • companies, start-ups who wish to inquire or bring their experience
  • Universities, schools, institutes and companies with research and training activities
  • Students, graduates, undergraduates who want to inspire their educational and professional paths

They participated: